Help at Home.

21 May by ldp2199

Help at Home.

Finally getting caught up on personal stuff. Spending so much time on the road, it’s easy to forget about what daily is like. Take time to decompress. Get out of the truck, take a walk.

When you are pushing hard every day, it’s easy to get caught up in the job. The bills are there, appointments still happen, and basic things still need to get done. Laundry, cleaning, fixing things are still on the list.

Take time with your partner, and communicate every day. It is tough to have a good work/life balance. But also make time just for you. All your partner knows is, you’ve been gone for a while, and now that you’re home you can help with the big projects that have been put on hold for a while. That doesn’t absolve you from everything, and it all starts with communication.